Bienvenue- Welcome
Welcome to Thor Heyerdahl Upper Secondary School and to our department which facilitates everyday life and a future working life. We are proud of our school, our students and the work that is done to provide all students with the best possible educational offer.
The name of our school is Thor
Heyerdahl. It is a school simular to high school. There are about 1650 students
here, and about 300 people work here. We have 16 different fields of study you
can choose from.
We also have a very nice coffee shop here. They sell coffee
and cakes made by students from the restaurant and food studie line. They also work
the coffee shop together with students that study sales and service at our school.
We also have a food truck 😊
On the 1st. floor we have our cafeteria. They sell cold
and hot food, drinks and have different lunch menu every day. It`s very popular.
We have a big arena for training and gymnastics that we use. The arena is often used for handball matches.
Tekst og foto: Sofie